
Name: Nu Erlrosa
Birthday: May 16, 2059
Height: 4'10"
Weight: 118lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Occupation: High School Student

Personality: Nu is the youngest of all the Blood Angels. He is highly advanced for his age, and took a great interest in his father’s piloting career. Nu was able to pick up tips from his father at a very young age. Those skills have stayed with him and are the key of what makes Nu an exceptional Heavy pilot. Although he might be as smart as his fellow team members Nu’s maturity level has yet to catch up and rivals that of Chross’s. Along with his young demeanor, Nu carries an extremely cocky attitude. All together Nu is youthful intellectual who comes off as a sarcastic loud mouth with a large armored mech. to back his words.
Heavy: This heavy has an obvious body type structure with 2 arms and 2 legs. It has punching and kicking ability however it is somewhat limited due to the size of the mech. The legs have thrusters for jumping, and limited flight capability. The back contains its main thrusters for jumping and two hooks for the hard suits to link to. When the suits are linked to the heavy Nu is able to carry and transport them. The heavy's arms and shoulders contain rocket and grenade launchers. Both arms are capable of carrying and using heavy artillery rifles. The heavy is especially designed to for Nu's smaller size allowing only him to pilot it. With his extensive knowledge of control systems, piloting and managing the heavy came very easy. If not for his immaturity and reckless attitude Nu could beat Lok in a heavy duel, due to his heavy's superior weapons. Heavy