
Name: Mog Louisa
Birthday: May 5, 2054
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 132lbs.
Eye Color: Green
Occupation: Computer Programmer

Personality: Mog is definitely the most bubbly of all the Blood Angels. She is very sweet and tries to be friends with everyone. Mog may be ditzy at times but when it comes to work she is serious - dead serious. Mog has established a good rapport with everyone on the team but is especially close to Nida and Nu. When it comes to computer skill Mog is unmatched, however Lorie is a not far behind. She single handedly developed the Blood Angel’s Super Computer A.L.I.S. - The Artificially Living Intelligence System. The combination of Mog’s adorable personality and awesome computer skills makes her a brilliant part of the Blood Angels.
Suit:"Angel of Mercy" Mog’s suit is vital to the Blood Angel’s attack method. Her suit’s defenses are small EMP blasters mounted on her shoulders, as well as a small wrist rifle. When the Blood Angels are in battle it is Mog’s mission to locate the hacker’s signal, cut it off, locate the hacker, feed the information back to Intelligence who then feeds it to the police so that they can find and arrest the hacker. To do this Mog has a large satellite - in the shape of Angel Wings, on her back as well as various sensors, plugs and other hacking equipment. Hardsuit