
Name: Chross Davidson
Birthday: April 16, 2049
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 190lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Occupation: Always Changing

Personality: Chross is the sly ladies man of the group and a definite loner. His supposed "girlfriend" Lorie is a Blood Angel as well. Whether or not Chross will show up for a mission or briefing is always questionable. The only reason Saber tolerates his irregularity is because of how well Chross performs when he is there. Chross is an exceptional partner in battle. If not for his immature and unreliable manner Chross would make an excellent leader however, his charismatic attitude has allowed him to forge friendships with all his Blood Angels especially Nida.
Suit: "Angel of Night" Chross's suit is designed for brutal hand-to-hand combat. It has a small gun mounted on the arm for distance attacks however it is not very powerful. Chross's suit contains boosters to increase his speed as well as his punch and kick strength. The shoulder pads have 3 blades that Chross uses to ram and impale opponents with. Hardsuit